Operating instructions
Frankfurt RCM 82
Front Panel Description
5 DSC button (Direct Software Control)
This button is used for programming
special functions of your car stereo.
9 MTL button (metal)
Switch on the set by turning the knob.
Volume control:
by turning the knob
Press this button when chromium dioxi-
de (CrO2) or metal cassettes are play-
ed. Switch off this function by
pressing the MTL button once again.
SCAN (search operation):
Pressing the knob for approx. 1 sec. will
ved during radio operation or the follow-
ing CD songs during CD operation (CD
changer only).
6 AF button
When AF is on and RDS activated, the
radio will automatically tune to a fre-
quency offering better reception of the
same programme.
button (Autoreverse)
Automatic change from one side of the
tape to the other
7 lo button
; Cassette compartment
2 GEO button (broader interior sound
This button is used for altering the sen-
sitivity of the automatic station seek
lo - normal sensitivity (“lo” G e is indi-
< FR button
Balance (left/right volume):
Adjust with rocker switch <</>> I.
Fader (front/rear volume):
Fast rewinding of the tape.
Stop with FF button.
Adjust with rocker switch
dx - high sensitivity (“lo” G e disap-
= Cassette eject
Press both buttons.
3 AUD button
Additional function of the lo button:
Switching from stereo to mono: Press
for longer than 2 seconds.
Treble - Reproduction of the high fre-
Adjust with rocker switch <</>> I.
BASS - Reproduction of the low fre-
> FF button
Fast forwarding of the tape.
Stop with FR button.
button (Dolby-NR)
Use this button to activate noise
suppression during tape playback.
Adjust with rocker switch
? RM button (Radio Monitor)
Use this button to listen to the radio
while advancing or rewinding the tape.
4 LD button (Loudness)
Press this button to boost the bass fre-
quencies at low volumes. This will lead to
a more natural sound impression.
@ CPS button
E ARI button
rocker switch
To repeat or skip music tracks on the
cassette. “CPS” illuminates on the dis-
play G o.
Use this button to reproduce traffic sta-
tions only.
Your radio only plays stations which
broadcast traffic announcements.
Automatic selection of
a station
CD changer (option):
Pressing rocker switch shortly:
Skip to next title
Skip to previous title
Pressing rocker switch longer:
A SRC button (Source)
This button is used for shifting from one F FM•T button (Frequency Modulation)
audio source to another
(cassette ♦ radio ♦ CD ♦ cassette).
FM button
This button is used for shifting between
the different FM storage levels I, II, III
and T (Travelstore).
B PS button (Preset Station Scan )
Pressing this button briefly samples all
memorized stations of the selected
waveband (FM, MW, LW).
K Code LED
G Display
H KeyCard slot
C Preset buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Store station - Keep button depressed
during radio operation until the station
becomes audible again.
To switch on the set insert KeyCard in
the direction of the arrow.
Remove KeyCard: Press on the card.
Recall station - Briefly press the re-
spective button.
I << / >> rocker switch
Fine tuning of stations
CD changer (option):
Selecting a CD >> upwards
<< downwards
D M•L button (Medium wave - Long
This button is used for selecting either
the medium wave (MW) or long wave
(LW) frequencies.
Press button again for shifting between
MW and LW.
Reception of Traffic Programmes with
RDS-EON ............................................. 26 Connection of e.g. a Cassette or DAT
Switching Traffic Messages (ARI)
On and Off ......................................... 27
Acoustic Alarm................................... 27
Automatic Start of the Station Seek
Operation ........................................... 27
Changing the Audio Source with SRC .. 30
Important Notes............................ 22
What You Should Read By All Means! . 22
Safety Notes ......................................... 22
KeyCard ................................................ 22
Wrong KeyCard ................................. 22
KeyCard Lost ..................................... 22
Telephone Connection ...................... 22
Player .................................................... 30
Programming with DSC ............... 30
Adjusting the Volume of Traffic Messages
(ARI) ...................................................... 30
Acoustic Signal after the Actuation of a
Key (BEEP) ........................................... 31
Choosing the Display Colour ................ 31
Theft Protection by Code LED .............. 31
Loudness .............................................. 31
Preset Naming ...................................... 31
Sensitivity of the Automatic Station Seek
Operation .............................................. 32
Survey of DSC Settings Adjusted Ex
Tape Section................................. 27
Amplifier Section.......................... 23
Inserting the Tape ................................. 27
Removing the Tape............................... 27
Fast Forwarding and Rewinding the Tape
(FF/FR) ................................................. 27
Radio Reception during FF or FR
ON/OFF ................................................ 23
Balance and Fader................................ 23
Controlling Treble and Bass.................. 23
Switching from Stereo to Mono ............. 24
Loudness .............................................. 24
Operation .............................................. 28
Radio Section ............................... 24
(Changing the Tape Side) ..................... 28
Dolby-NR .............................................. 28
Tape Selection ...................................... 28
Changing the Audio Source with SRC .. 28
Skipping/Repeating Tracks with CPS ... 28
Care Notes ............................................ 29
Factory .................................................. 32
AF - alternative frequency ..................... 24
Selecting the Desired Waveband.......... 24
Tuning in a Station Automatically.......... 24
Manual Tuning ...................................... 25
Reception of regional stations (FM) ...... 25
Adjusting the Station Seek Sensitivity... 25
Memorizing a Station ............................ 25
Automatically Storing the Strongest
Stations ................................................. 25
Activating a Stored Station.................... 26
Briefly Sampling a Station ..................... 26
Sampling Memorized Stations with PS . 26
Appendix ....................................... 33
Technical Data ...................................... 33
What To Do If Your Car Stereo Needs
Service? ................................................ 33
CD Changer (Option) ................... 29
Playing a CD ......................................... 29
Changing the CD .................................. 29
Skipping/Repeating a Track
(Cue/Review) ........................................ 30
Briefly Sampling a Track ....................... 30
Important Notes
Due to the high output power of the output Switchingthecarstereooffduringthewaiting
stage, the metal housing of the set may heat period will set the waiting time to ‘zero’ after
up considerably. Therefore never touch this the unit has been activated again.
What You Should Read By All
Beforestartingtouseyournewcarradio, you metal enclosure when removing the unit.
should carefully read through the safety no-
KeyCard Lost
tes and the information about the ‘KeyCard’.
If you have lost your KeyCard or if it was
damaged, oneofourauthorizedservicepart-
ners will help you against presentation of
your car radio passport.
Your car radio is theft-protected and cannot
Safety Notes
beoperatedwithouttheKeyCard. Therefore,
Beingthedriverofamotorvehicleyoushould other people cannot make use of your set.
dedicateyourfullattentiontothetrafficaround Since it is not possible to utilize the car radio
you. Therefore always use your car stereo with another KeyCard, it will be of no worth at
such that you are able to cope with the all for a thief - in case the KeyCard was
These service partners are designated by
) intheradio’sserviceregister. Ifrequired,
call the service centre of your country for
detailed information about your local Key-
Card service facility.
present traffic situation in any moment.
In difficult driving situations you should turn
your set off. Please take into account that at
a speed of 50 km/h you are almost covering
a distance of 14 m per second!
When adjusting the volume, always make
sure that acoustic signals from the outside
can still be heard in order to be able to react
to alert signals just as it is required by the
present situation.
If you would like to mount or expand the unit
by yourself, you should by all means read
through the enclosed mounting and con-
nection instructions before.
Do not connect the loudspeaker outputs to
removed before.
Wrong KeyCard
Telephone Connection
If a wrong KeyCard is inserted, four dashes
are first represented on the display (‘----’)
even with the right KeyCard.
le, radio, CD or cassette reproduction can be
muted automatically.
For this, however, the car telephone must be
connected to the unit just as it is described in
the connection instructions.
● Remove the false card. Now the correct
card has to be inserted by all
After the third false try it will take one hour
before the set can be operated with the
correct card. In the meantime, ‘----’ is indica-
ted on the display.
After another 7 wrong attempts, the car ste-
reo can only be put in operation by one of our
authorized service partners. For this, the car
radio passport has to be presented.
Only use the accessory and replacement
parts approved by Blaupunkt.
Amplifier Section
● Press the rocker switch <</>> I left/
right. The sound of the left and right
channel is balanced; the number on the
display changes between -9 and +9.
The display indication automatically
stops at ‘0’ (= sound of the left and right
channel is balanced).
Controlling Treble and Bass
Treble Control
For controlling the high frequencies:
For switching the set on,
● turn button 1 clockwise and
● Press the TREB button 3.
● insert the KeyCard completely.
The display G a gives you TRE or
BAS and a number between -6 and +6.
Your stereo is now ready for operation.
For switching the set off,
● Press the upper part of the rocker
switch <</>> I for boosting the treble
or the lower part for treble reduction.
The number on the display changes
between -6 and +6. It will automatically
stop at the ‘0’ position (normal).
● turn button 1 counterclockwise or
For balancing the sound level front/rear (Fa-
● remove the KeyCard H.
First press on the KeyCard (to release
it) and then take it out of the slot.
● Press the GEO button 2.
The display G a gives you BAL (Ba-
lance) or FAD (Fader) plus a number
between -9 and +9.
Balance and Fader
Bass Control
With two loudspeakers installed, you can
balance the sound impression left/right; with
four speakers available, you can also adjust
the sound pattern of the front and rear level
The balance and fader function is activated
by pressing the GEO button 2.
For controlling the low frequencies:
● Press the rocker switch
J up/
down. The sound of the front and rear
channel is balanced; the number on the
display changes between -9 and +9.
The display indication automatically
stops at ‘0’ (= sound of the front and
rear channel is balanced).
● Press the BASS button 3.
The display G a gives you BAS or
TRE and a number between -7 and +7.
● Press rocker switch <</>> I to the
right for boosting the basses or to the
left for bass reduction.
GEO button 2 once again; otherwise, the
display will automatically return to indication
of radio or cassette functions approx. eight
seconds after the last setting has been car-
ried out.
The number on the display changes
between -7 and +7. It will automatically
stop at the ‘0’ position (normal).
For balancing the sound level left/right:
● Press the GEO button 2.
The display G a gives you BAL (Balan-
ce) or FAD (Fader) plus a number bet-
ween -9 and +9.
bypressingtheBASSorTEBbutton3 once
again; otherwise, the display will automati-
cally return to indication of radio or cassette-
functions approx. eight seconds after the last
setting has been carried out.
Radio Section
Switching from Stereo to Mono
Selecting FM
In the FM mode, we generally recommend to
make use of the RDS service.
● Briefly press the FM•T button F.
‘FM’ lights up on the display G b.
For switching from stereo to mono:
As soon as a programme can be identified,
the station logo and possibly the regional
identification, e.g. the German NDR1 NDS
(for Lower Saxony) appear on the display.
Withe RDS, the preset buttons become pro-
gramme buttons. Now you know exactly
which programme your set has currently tu-
nedin,makingit thusveryeasytochoosethe
desired station.
● Press the lo button 7 for more than
two seconds.
For stereo reproduction, the stereo sign
will light up on the display G f.
When switching the unit on, stereo sound
reproduction is adjusted.
Selecting MW or LW
● Briefly press the M•L button D.
‘M’ for MW or ‘L’ for LW lights up on the
display G b.
For changing between MW and LW:
When the signal strength gets poor, the set
will automatically switch to mono.
● Press M•L D once again.
If nothing else is indicated, the following
operating notes hold for all wavebands.
AF - Alternative Frequency
vides that the car stereo automatically tunes
in to the programme frequency which offers
the best reception quality.
This function is on, if AF lights up on the
display G h.
At low volumes, the human ear shows redu-
ced sensitivity to low frequencies, while me-
dium and high frequencies can be perceived
nomenon by boosting the low frequencies.
For activating or deactivating it:
Tuning in a Station Automatical-
Tuning in the Following Station
● Press the upper part of the rocker
Switch AF on/off by
The car stereo automatically starts
searching for the next station.
● pressing the AF button 6.
● Press the LD button 4.
If the loudness is on, ‘LD’ is shown on
the display G i.
You can individually programme at which
level you want the set to start boosting the
basses (see chapter ‘Programming’).
The radio reproduction is muted for a mo-
ment while searching for the frequency offe-
ring the best reception quality of a program-
Tuning in the Previous Station
● Press the lower part of the rocker
The car radio automatically starts sear-
ching for the previous station.
Selecting the Desired Waveband
the following wavebands:
MW (medium wave), and LW (long wave).
If the rocker switch
J up/down is
kept depressed, the station seek opera-
tion continues to be carried out quickly
in the corresponding direction.
For memorizing a station:
Manual Tuning
Adjusting the Station Seek
● Choose the storage level (only FM); for
this, press FM•T F until I, II, III, or T is
lit on the display G c.
All stations can also be tuned in ‘manually’:
● Press the rocker switch <</>> I on
the left or the right. The frequency band
is scanned in small steps.
You can change the seek tuning sensitivity in
the FM and M L range.
● Tune in the station (see chapter Auto-
For receiving only powerful nearby stations
(low sensitivity),
matic/Manual Tuning of Stations).
● Press the desired preset button C until
the radio resumes play (approx. 2 se-
conds) or BEEP is audible.
● press the lo button 7 until ‘lo’ illumi-
nates on the display G e.
If you would also like to search for weaker
stations (higher sensitivity):
Reception of Regional Programs
From the display G d you can see
which button is currently pressed.
Many of the programs of the broadcasting
corporarations are split up into regional pro-
grams at certain times. For example, the first
program of NDR (Northern German Broad-
casting) provides the northern Federal Ger-
man States of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg
and Lower Saxony with differing regional
programs at times.
● Press button lo 7 once again.
The ‘lo’ indication goes out in the dis-
play G e.
The sensitivity level can be further varied in
both modes (see chapter ‘Programming’).
Now the station is stored.
When tuning in an already stored station, the
display G c will show the corresponding
preset button for approx. three seconds. In
addition, for FM, the display G d will also
give you the storage level.
Memorizing a Station
If you receive a regional station and would
like to continue listening so that station:
You can memorize a station with each of the
preset buttons C.
● Keep the AF button 6 depressed for
longer than 2 seconds, until the display
G j briefly shows “REG”. The regional
function is activated.
ForFM, eachpreset buttonC canbealloca-
ted four times, i.e. four stations can be stored
on one button. The display G c shows you
for first,second,andthirdallocation;Tstands
for Travelstore (for Travelstore information
see the following chapter)).
Automatically Storing the Stron-
gest Stations
This function is deactivated by pressing
the AF button for longer than 2 seconds
again. The “REG” indication disap-
WithTravelstore, youhavetheopportunityto
automatically store the six strongest FM sta-
tions of your respective region and have
themsorted accordingtotheirsignalstrength.
This feature is of special use while travelling.
For jumping from one stored station to ano-
● Press the FM•T button F.
● Press the FM•T button F for at least
two seconds.
● Press the Scan button 1 for approx.
1 sec.
If you want to cancel this function:
● Press the PS button B once again.
The radio keeps playing the sampled
The set searches for the strongest FM
stations and sorts them on the ‘T’ stora-
ge level (Travelstore). Once the pro-
cess is finished, the car radio automati-
cally tunes in to the strongest
The display G a gives you ‘SCAN’. If
the following station is found, it is repro-
duced for approximately eight seconds.
The station’s frequency starts blinking
on the display G a; if it has already
been memorized, the corresponding
preset button starts blinking on the dis-
play G d. In addition, for FM stations,
the storage level indicator lights up on
the display G c. Then the set starts
searching for the next station.
Reception of Traffic Program-
mes with RDS-EON
If required, it is also possible to manually
storeastationontheTravelstorelevel. Ifless
than six stations can be received, the free
buttons are represented by dashes for a
short moment.
Various FM broadcasters transmit traffic an-
nouncements at some time of the day. Your
radio identifies these traffic programme sta-
tions and gives the TP indication - Traffic
Programme - on the display G l. Other radio
selves, but transmit the TP code of another
radio network with traffic information service
(e.g. BBC2).
If the ARI function is activated (ARI illumina-
tes on the display G n), your radio will auto-
matically switch to the traffic programme
station (e.g. GLR) for the duration of the
traffic announcement and will switch back
end of the message. Traffic messages are
‘put through’ with a preset volume, the level
of which can be programmed (see chapter
‘Programming’). The set automatically inter-
rupts cassette or CD playback and resumes
play as soon as the message is over.
For selecting a sampled station:
Activating a Stored Station
● Press the Scan button 1 once again.
The Scan function is off.
If required, the memorized stations can be
activated at a keystroke.
After the search operation has been con-
cluded, and no station has been chosen, the
radio starts playing the station from which
Radio Scan was started before.
● Choose the storage level (only FM).
For this, press FM•T F until I, II, III, or
T lights up on the display G c.
● Briefly press the corresponding preset
button C.
Sampling Memorized Stations
with PS
briefly sampled.
Briefly Sampling a Station
(Radio Scan)
● Press the PS button B.
Starting with the currently tuned in station,
you can have the following ones briefly sam-
pled for approx. eight seconds each.
The car radio will then start introducing
all memorized stations of the selected
waveband one after another.
If no station is stored on a preset but-
ton, this button is skipped.
Tape Section
Switching Traffic Messages (ARI) On
Acoustic Alarm
Inserting a Tape
When leaving the coverage area of the tuned
in traffic station, your car radio automatically
tely 30 seconds.
This alarm tone can also be heard when
pressing a preset button with no ARI station
allocated to it.
and Off
If you want to listen to a tape:
This function allows you to mute all the stati-
● Switch on the set.
● Insert the cassette halfway into the slot
with side 1 up and without applying
force; the cassette will be loaded auto-
For switching ARI on and off
● Press the ARI button E.
If traffic radio is on, ‘ARI’ lights up on
the display G n.
If you press the ARI button when listening to
to the operating mode which was activated
before the traffic message. But ARI priority
remains activated for the further traffic mes-
For switching off the acoustic alarm,
The cassette side which was played last will
be reproduced.
From the display G a you can see which
● search for a new station (see chapter
‘Tuning in a Station Automatically’). The
set will then start searching for the next side is currently played. (TR1 = side 1)
traffic station.
Removing the Tape
Automatic Start of the Station Seek
To stop tape play:
(cassette playback)
● Press the
buttons = simulta-
If your radio is tuned to a station without ARI
code, the acoustic alarm will be produced
after approx. 4 seconds.
The cassette is ejected.
When leaving the coverage area of the tuned
in traffic station, your car radio will automati-
cally start searching for a new traffic station
while you are listening to your cassette.
During the seek operation, an alarm tone is
sent out.
● Tune to another station.
Fast Forwarding and Rewinding
the Tape (FF/FR)
When pressing the ARI button while listening
to an MW or LW station, the unit automatical-
ly switches to the FM traffic station tuned in
Fast Forward Operation
● Press button FF >.
On the display G a e.g. the ‘<< >>’
symbols illuminates to indicate fast tape
operation. Once fast forwarding is finis-
hed, the reversed side will start to play
Stopping Fast Forward Operation
from (TR1-PLAY
Changing the Audio Source with
● Press button FR.
Once the end of the cassette is reached, the
set automatically switches to the other side.
You can shift between the connected audio
sources in the following order:
Cassette ♦ radio ♦ cassette
For switching to another audio source with
the cassette being inserted:
Fast Rewind Operation
● Press button FR <.
When using stiff-going cassettes, the set
may switch over to the other side although
thisisnotdesired. Whenthishappens, check
the tape wound up so far; in these cases, fast
forwarding or rewinding it often helps.
On the display G a e.g. the ‘<< >>’
symbols illuminates to indicate fast tape
operation. Once fast rewinding is finis-
hed, the same side will start to play
● Press the SRC button A.
The car radio shifts to radio operation.
Tape play is stopped; the audio head and the
pinch roller are released. By this, both the
cassette and the cassette mechanism are
protected (standby operation).
Stopping Fast Rewind Operation
● Press button FF.
This set allows it to play cassettes which
have been recorded with Dolby-NR.
These cassettes distinguish by their reduced
background noise and improved dynamic
Radio Reception during FF or FR
Skipping/Repeating Tracks with
During cassette operation, the radio section
is off. However, you are free to choose if you
want to listen to the radio while the tape is
forwarded or rewound:
Your car stereo is equipped with a Cassette
detects the beginning of the taped songs,
and it can be used to fast forward to the
beginning of the next one or to rewind to the
beginning of the current song.
For switching Dolby-NR on or off:
● Press the
button 8.
If Dolby NR is on, ‘B’ illuminates on the
display G g.
* Noise reduction system manufactured under license
from Dolby Laboratories. ‘DOLBY’ and the double-D sym-
bol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
● Press the RM button ?.
When the function is on, ‘RM’ lights up
on the display G m.
Skipping a Track
For skipping a track,
(Changing the Tape Side)
Tape Selection
To play METAL or CrO2 cassettes
● activate CPS using button @, so that
“CPS” lights up on the display G.
If you want to change to the other side of the
cassette while listening to it:
● press the MTL button 9, “MTL” lights
up on the display G k.
Press this button once again to switch off this
● Press button FF >. On the display
G a “TR1 (or 2) - << >>” lights up; the
tape is fast forwarded.
● Press button
The display indication G a) changes
function. “MTL” goes off in the display.
CD Changer (Option)
Having reached the beginning of the next
song, FF stops and the song is played.
For normal contamination, use a head- This car radio gives you the opportunity to
cleaning cassette to remove the dust; for remote control a Blaupunkt CD changer (e.g.
more intensive contamination, use a cotton- CDC-M1, -M3, -A03*, -F03*).
Repeating a Track
If you want to listen to the current song once
wool tip soaked with alcohol. Never use hard
For detailed information about how to
operate the CD Changer, please refer to
the operating instructions of your changer.
● press button FR <.
*) Available end 1992
On the display G a “TR1 (or 2) - <<
>>” lights up and the tape is rewound.
Playing a CD
Once the beginning of the current song is
reached, the latter is played again. You can
still repeat the previous track up to eight
seconds after the new one has started.
For listening to a CD, you will have to switch
to the CD changer:
● Press the SRC button A until either
the Disc/Track (i.e. CD number/title
number) or Track/Time (i.e. title num-
ber/playing time) indication lights up on
the display G a (see also chapter ‘Pro-
gramming with DSC’).
in-between blanks are at least three seconds
The CD is played.
Care Notes
Changing the CD
We recommend C-60 and C-90 type tapes
for use in any automobile tape player; to
protect your tapes, store them in a cool place
awayfromdirt, dust, orexcessivetemperatu-
res above 50° Celsius. In order to ensure
smooth tape operation, cold tapes should be
allowed to heat up a bit before they are
played. If dust collects on the audio head or
the rubber roller, problems related to rough
tape operation or poor sound quality may
occur after approx. 100 hours of operation.
For playing the next CD, proceed as follows:
● Press the rocker switch <</>> I on
the right.
For playing the previous CD:
● Press the rocker switch <</>> I on
the left.
Programming with DSC
If you want to keep on listening to the sam-
pled track:
Skipping/Repeating a Track
The car radio’s DSC function (Direct Soft-
ware Control) allows it to adapt several ad-
justments and functions according to your
personal preference and to store these indi-
vidual settings.
● Briefly press the Scan button 1 once
again for approx. 1 sec.
For playing the next title
● briefly press the upper part of the ro-
The Scan function is deactivated and
the song is continued to play.
cker switch
For playing the previous title
Adjusting the Volume of Traffic
Messages (ARI)
● briefly press the lower part of the ro-
Changing the Audio Source with
cker switch
You can preselect the volume of ARI traffic
messages (see chapter Traffic Messages).
For changing the volume,
You can shift between the connected audio
sources in the following order:
Changer ♦ cassette ♦ radio ♦ changer
For switching to another audio source:
Cue (Fast Forward)
● Press the upper part of the rocker
● press the DSC button 5.
The display G a shows “BEEP ON” or
J for longer than one se-
● Press the SRC button A.
The car radio switches over to the next audio ● Press the rocker switch
J until
Review (Fast Backward)
the display G a gives you “ARI” and a
number between 1 and 9 as a volume
● Press the lower part of the rocker
J for longer than one se-
Connection e.g. of a Cassette or
DAT Player
The car radio’s volume is identical to
the volume of the traffic messages.
Having connected an external sound system
the audio sources using the SRC button A
(cassette ♦ radio ♦ externalunit ♦ cassette).
The display G a will give you “AUX”.
Briefly Sampling a Track
For altering the setting,
● press the rocker switch << / >> I
(left - lower; right - higher).
CD Scan
Starting from the track currently played you
can briefly sample the following tracks of the
CD for approx. ten seconds each:
The number on the display is changing
For memorizing your personal adjustment,
● Press the Scan knob 1 approx. 1 sec.
The display G a will give you “SCAN”.
The next track is played.
● press the DSC button 5 once again.
For changing the colour,
Acoustic Signal after the Actuati-
on of a Key (BEEP)
● press << / >> I,
Since your in-car sound quality is influenced
by the type of the installation (amplifier), the
type and arrangement of the loudspeakers,
and the vehicle itself, you may individually
programme at which level you want the set to
start boosting the basses (loudness).
and the display colour will change.
All functions which require for a keystroke
longer than two seconds (e.g. memorizing a
station) are confirmed by an acoustic signal
For storing this adjustment,
● press the DSC button 5 once again.
Theft Protection by Code LED
For switching the BEEP tone on or off,
For changing this loudness level,
● press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you “BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
As a preventive measure, you can let a light-
emitting diode (LED) K blink in the car’s
interior when it is parked.
● press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you “BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
● Using the rocker switch << / >> I you
can select between ‘BEEP ON’ (acou-
stic signal on) and ‘BEEP OFF’ (acou-
stic signal off).
For modifying the setting,
● Now press the rocker switch
● press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you “BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
until ‘LOUD’ and a number between 1
and 6 illuminate on the display G a.
For memorizing your adjustment,
● With the rocker switch << / >> I you
can match the above mentioned loud-
ness level to your personal require-
● Press the rocker switch
J until
● press the DSC button 5 once again.
‘LED’ and a number light up on the dis-
play G a.
Choosing the Display Colour
● Via the rocker switch << / >> I, you
can adjust the following:
For memorizing this adjustment,
to the colour of your vehicle’s dashboard
lighting. You can choose between green and
● press the DSC button 5 once again.
LED 0 - Blinking is off.
LED 1 - LED only blinks if the car
radio is connected via the
LED 2 - LED blinks, if the car radio is
switched off (using the ON/
OFF-button, KeyCard or
Preset Naming
For changing the display colour,
When you select a station, the display G a
will give you the frequency and for RDS
stations also the station name later on, e.g.
● press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you “BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
BBC3. You can replace the frequen-
cy indication of all preset stations without
RDS code by entering an 8-digit name.
Note the following:
● Press the rocker switch << / >> I until
‘COLOUR’ lights up on the display
G a.
The stations must be stored on the storage For modifying the previous character:
● Press the
rocker switch J until
levels I-III.
‘LOCAL’ and a number between 1 and
3 appear on the display G a.
LOCAL stands for local reception.
● Press the ON/OFF button 1 for longer
For entering a station name, proceed as
than two seconds.
Once you have finished your entry, press the
● Press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you “BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
corresponding preset button of the next sta- ● Adjust the sensitivity with the << / >>
tion, which you would like to be named. The
entered name for the previous station is then
automatically stored.
rocker switch I:
01 corresponds to high sensitivity
● Press the rocker switch
J until
03 corresponds to low sensitivity
For storing the adjustment:
‘PRESET’ is illuminated on the display
If required, use the rocker switch
J to
G a.
● Press the DSC button 5 once again.
Every time the station is selected, the speci-
fied name will be represented on the display.
select “DIS” (distant reception) and change
the sensitivity.
For memorizing the setting:
● Choose the desired station (via the
preset buttons), for which the name is
to be entered.
The zone identification for traffic messages ● Press the DSC button 5 once again.
(ARI) is no longer indicated.
storing a new station on this button (i.e.
The station frequency, e.g.
_ _ 92.1_ _
Survey of DSC settings adjusted
ex factory
is indicated on the display G a. The remai-
ning fields are marked with “_”. When en-
tering the first character, the frequency dis-
appears and is replaced by further dashes.
The first dash is blinking. For changing it and
entering the desired character:
sed for a longer period).
COLOUR : orange
Sensitivity of the Automatic
Station Seek Operation
● Press the rocker switch << / >> I on
In areas with an extremely high or very low
station densitity it might be useful to alter the
sensitivity of the automatic station seek (lo or
dx button).
the right continuously.
The display will give you one after the other
the capital letters (A-Z), the umlauts, the
special characters and the numbers 0-9.
For selecting a character:
For changing the sensitivity:
● Press the DSC button 5.
The display G a gives you“BEEP ON”
or “BEEP OFF”.
● Press the ON/OFF button 1.
The selected character stops blinking
while the next character starts to flash.
What to Do If Your Car Stereo
Needs Service?
Technical Data
Whenever your car radio fails to operate
properly, and therefore needs to be repaired
by an authorized service centre, please do
not forget to bring the car radio passport and
the KeyCard along with you.
Output power:
4 x 25 watts RMS acc.
to DIN 45324/3.1 at 2 Ω
0.9 µV at 26 dB
signal-to-noise ratio
35-16 000 Hz (-3 dB)
> 80 dB at ±300 kHz
> 40 dB at ±200 kHz
> 30 dB at 1kHz
Tape Section:
30 - 18 000 Hz (-3 dB)
Wow-and-flutter: 0.25% typ.
64 dB typ. with Dolby B
56 dB typ. without Dolby
Input impedance 10 kΩ
Output impedance
150 Ω
Blaupunkt-Werke GmbH
Bosch Telecom
6/93 RBMA
MC/VKD-Hi 3 D92 162 007
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