Software Authentication Manager Commands on
Cisco IOS XR Software
This chapter describes the Cisco IOS XR software commands used to configure Software Authentication
Manager (SAM).
For detailed information about SAM concepts, configuration tasks, and examples, see the Configuring
Software Authentication Manager on Cisco IOS XR Software configuration module.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 0 7
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam add certificate
requires user authentication. Another example is acquiring the certificate from a person or entity that
you can verify, such as by checking the identification badge for a person. If you bypass the validation
protection offered by the SAM, you must verify the identity and integrity of the certificate by some other
valid process.
Certificates added to the memory (mem) location validate software installed in memory. Certificates
added to the disk0 or disk1 location validate software installed on those devices, respectively.
If the sam add certificate command fails with a message indicating that the certificate has expired, the
networking device clock may have been set incorrectly. Use the show clock command to determine if
the clock is set correctly.
The following example shows how to add the certificate found at /bootflash/ca.bin to the certificate table
in the root location without first validating the certificate:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam add certificate /bootflash/ca.bin root trust
SAM: Successful adding certificate /bootflash/ca.bin
The following example shows how to add the certificate found at /bootflash/css.bin to the certificate
table in the memory (mem) location after validating the certificate:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam add certificate /bootflash/css.bin mem untrust
SAM: Successful adding certificate /bootflash/css.bin
Related Commands
show clock
Displays records in the certificate table, including the location of the
Displays networking device clock information.
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam delete certificate
sam delete certificate
To delete a certificate from the certificate table, use the sam delete certificate command in EXEC mode.
sam delete certificate location certificate-index
Syntax Description
Storage site of the certificate. Use one of the following: root, mem, disk0, disk1,
or other flash device on router.
Number in the range from 1 to 65000.
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
For security reasons, the sam delete certificate command can be issued only from the console port of
the networking device; the command cannot be issued from a Telnet connection to any other interface
on the networking device.
Use the show sam certificate summary command to display certificates by their index numbers.
Because the certificate authority (CA) certificate must not be unknowingly deleted, the Software
Authentication Manager (SAM) prompts the user for confirmation when an attempt is made to delete the
CA certificate.
If a certificate stored on the system is no longer valid (for example, if the certificate has expired), you
can use the sam delete certificate command to remove the certificate from the list.
The following example shows how to delete the certificate identified by the index number 2 from the
memory location:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam delete certificate mem 2
SAM: Successful deleting certificate index 2
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam delete certificate
The following example shows how to cancel the deletion of the certificate identified by the index number
1 from the root location:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam delete certificate root 1
Do you really want to delete the root CA certificate (Y/N): N
SAM: Delete certificate (index 1) canceled
The following example shows how to delete the certificate identified by the index number 1 from the
root location:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam delete certificate root 1
Do you really want to delete the root CA certificate (Y/N): Y
SAM: Successful deleting certificate index 1
Related Commands
Adds a new certificate to the certificate table.
Displays records in the certificate table, including the location of the
certificates stored.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam prompt-interval
sam prompt-interval
To set the interval that the Software Authentication Manager (SAM) waits after prompting the user for
input when it detects an abnormal condition at boot time and to determine how the SAM responds when
it does not receive user input within the specified interval, use the sam prompt-interval command in
global configuration mode. To reset the prompt interval and response to their default values, use the no
form of this command.
sam prompt-interval time-interval {proceed | terminate}
no sam prompt-interval time-interval {proceed | terminate}
Syntax Description
Prompt time, in the range from 0 to 300 seconds.
Causes the SAM to respond as if it had received a “yes” when the prompt interval
Causes the SAM to respond as if it had received a “no” when the prompt interval
The default response is for the SAM to wait 10 seconds and then terminate the authentication task.
Global configuration
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the sam prompt-interval command to control the action taken when the system detects an exception
condition, such as an expired certificate during initialization of the SAM at boot time. The following
message appears when the software detects the abnormal condition of a certificate authority (CA)
certificate expired:
SAM detects expired CA certificate. Continue at risk (Y/N):
The SAM waits at the prompt until you respond or the time interval controlled by the sam
prompt-interval command expires, whichever is the earlier event. If you respond “N” to the prompt, the
boot process is allowed to complete, but no packages can be installed.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam prompt-interval
The following message appears when the software detects the abnormal condition of a Code Signing
Server (CSS) certificate expired:
SAM detects CA certificate (Code Signing Server Certificate Authority) has expired. The
validity period is Oct 17, 2000 01:46:24 UTC - Oct 17, 2015 01:51:47 UTC. Continue at
risk? (Y/N) [Default:N w/in 10]:
If you do not respond to the prompt, the SAM waits for the specified interval to expire, and then it takes
the action specified in the sam prompt-interval command (either the proceed or terminate keyword).
If you enter the command with the proceed keyword, the SAM waits for the specified interval to expire,
and then it proceeds as if you had given a “yes” response to the prompt.
If you enter the command with the terminate keyword, the SAM waits for the specified interval to
expire, and then it proceeds as if you had given a “no” response to the prompt. This use of the command
keeps the system from waiting indefinitely when the system console is unattended.
After the software has booted up, the time-interval argument set using this command has no effect. This
value applies at boot time only.
The following example shows how to tell the SAM to wait 30 seconds for a user response to a prompt
and then terminate the requested SAM processing task:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# sam prompt-interval 30 terminate
Related Commands
Displays the current status information for the SAM.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam verify
sam verify
To use the Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash algorithm to verify the integrity of the software component on
a flash memory card and ensure that it has not been tampered with during transit, use the sam verify
command in EXEC mode.
sam verify {location | file-system} {MD5 | SHA [digest]}
Syntax Description
Name of the flash memory card slot, either disk0 or disk1.
Absolute path to the file to be verified.
Specifies a one-way hashing algorithm to generate a 128-bit hash (or message
digest) of the specified software component.
Specifies the Secure Hash Algorithm, a hashing algorithm that takes a message of
less than 264 bits in length and produces a 160-bit message digest. The large
message digest provides security against brute-force collision and inversion
(Optional) Message digest generated by the hashing algorithm, to be compared in
determining the integrity of the software component.
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the sam verify command to generate a message digest for a given device. The message digest is
useful for determining whether software on a flash memory card has been tampered with during transit.
The command generates a hash code that can be used to compare the integrity of the software between
the time it was shipped and the time you received it.
For example, if you are given a flash memory card with preinstalled software and a previously generated
MD5 message digest, you can verify the integrity of the software using this command:
sam verify device MD5 digest
where device is the flash device and digest is the message digest supplied by the originator of the
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
sam verify
If the message digest matches the message digest generated by the sam verify command, the software
component is valid.
You should calculate the hash code on the contents of the flash memory code at the destination
networking device using a different set of files from the one loaded on the flash memory card. It is
possible for an unauthorized person to use the same software version to produce the desired (matching)
hash code and thereby disguise that someone has tampered with the new software.
The following example shows how to use MD5 to generate a message digest on the entire file system on
the flash memory card in slot 0 and then use that message digest as input to perform the digest
comparison. The example shows a third sam verify command, issued with a mismatched message digest,
to show the Software Authentication Manager (SAM) response to a mismatch.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam verify disk0: MD5
Total file count in disk0: = 813
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam verify disk0: MD5 082183cb6e65a44fd7ca95fe8e93def6
Total file count in disk0: = 813
Same digest values
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam verify disk0: MD5 3216c9282d97ee7a40b78a4e401158bd
Total file count in disk0: = 813
Different digest values
The following example shows how to use MD5 to generate a message digest and then uses that message
digest as input to perform the digest comparison:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam verify disk0: /crl_revoked.bin MD5
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# sam verify disk0: /crl_revoked.bin MD5
Same digest values
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam certificate
show sam certificate
To display records in the certificate table, use the show sam certificate command in EXEC mode.
show sam certificate {detail location certificate-index | summary {all | location}}
Syntax Description
Displays all the attributes for the selected table entry (specified by the
certificate-index argument).
Specifies the certificates stored in a specific location. Use one of the following:
root, mem, disk0, disk1, or other flash device on router.
Index number for the entry, in the range from 1 to 65000.
Displays selected attributes for entries in the table.
Displays selected attributes for all the entries in the table.
Displays selected attributes for only the certificates stored in a specific location.
Use one of the following: root, mem, disk0, disk1, or other flash device on
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the show sam certificate command when you want to display all the certificates stored in the
system. Attributes are certificate number, certificate flag, serial number, subject name, issued by,
version, issuing algorithm, not-before and not-after dates, public key, and signature.
To get the certificate number, use the show sam certificate summary all command. When used with the
summary keyword, the all keyword displays selected attributes for all the entries in the table.
When used with the summary keyword, the location argument displays selected attributes for only the
certificates stored in a specific location. Use one of the following: root, mem, disk0, disk1, or other
flash device on router.
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam certificate
The following sample output is from the show sam certificate summary all command. In this example,
the root location has one certificate, and disk0 has one certificate:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam certificate summary all
-------------------- SUMMARY OF CERTIFICATES -------------------
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
Serial Number :32:E0:A3:C6:CA:00:39:8C:4E:AC:22:59:1B:61:03:9F
Subject Name
cn=Code Signing Server Certificate Authority,o=Cisco,c=US
Issued By
cn=Code Signing Server Certificate Authority,o=Cisco,c=US
Validity Start :[UTC] Tue Oct 17 01:46:24 2000
Validity End
:[UTC] Sat Oct 17 01:51:47 2015
CRL Distribution Point
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
Serial Number :01:27:FE:79:00:00:00:00:00:05
Subject Name
cn=Engineer code sign certificate
Issued By
cn=Code Signing Server Certificate Authority,o=Cisco,c=US
Validity Start :[UTC] Tue Oct 9 23:14:28 2001
Validity End
:[UTC] Wed Apr 9 23:24:28 2003
CRL Distribution Point
file://\\CodeSignServer\CertEnroll\Code%20Signing%20Server%20Certificate %20Authority.crl
Table 16 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 16
show sam certificate sum m ary all Field Descriptions
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
Location of the certificate; one of the following: root, mem, disk0, or
Index number that the Software Authentication Manager automatically
assigns to the certificate.
One of the following: TRUSTED, VALIDATED, EXPIRED, or
Serial Number
Subject Name
Issued By
Unique serial number of the certificate, assigned by its issuer.
Name of the entity for which the certificate is issued.
Name of the entity that issued the certificate.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam certificate
The following sample output from the show sam certificate command shows how to display particular
SAM details:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam certificate detail mem 1
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
----------------------- CERTIFICATE ------------------------
Serial Number :01:27:FE:79:00:00:00:00:00:05
Subject Name
cn=Engineer code sign certificate
Issued By
cn=Code Signing Server Certificate Authority,o=Cisco,c=US
Validity Start :[UTC] Tue Oct 9 23:14:28 2001
Validity End
:[UTC] Wed Apr 9 23:24:28 2003
CRL Distribution Point
Version 3 certificate
Issuing Algorithm:MD5withRSA
Public Key BER (294 bytes):
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01
01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01
00 be 75 eb 9b b3 d9 cb 2e d8 c6 db 68 f3 5a ab
0c 17 d3 84 16 22 d8 18 dc 3b 13 99 23 d8 c6 94
91 15 15 ec 57 ea 68 dc a5 38 68 6a cb 0f 4b c2
43 4b 2d f9 92 94 93 04 df ff ca 0b 35 1d 85 12
99 e9 bd bc e2 98 99 58 fe 6b 45 38 f0 52 b4 cb
a9 47 cd 22 aa ce 70 0e 4c 9b 48 a1 cf 0f 4a db
35 f5 1f 20 b7 68 cb 71 2c 27 01 84 d6 bf 4e d1
ba e1 b2 50 e7 f1 29 3a b4 85 3e ac d7 cb 3f 36
96 65 30 13 27 48 84 f5 fe 88 03 4a d7 05 ed 72
4b aa a5 62 e6 05 ac 3d 20 4b d6 c9 db 92 89 38
b5 14 df 46 a3 8f 6b 05 c3 54 4d a2 83 d4 b7 02
88 2d 58 e7 a4 86 1c 48 77 68 49 66 a1 35 3e c4
71 20 aa 18 9d 9f 1a 38 52 3c e3 35 b2 19 12 ad
99 ad ce 68 8b b0 d0 29 ba 25 fd 1e e0 5d aa 12
9c 44 89 63 89 62 e3 cb f3 5d 5f a3 7c b7 b9 ef
01 89 5b 33 35 a8 81 60 38 61 4e d8 4f 6a 53 70
35 02 03 01 00 01
[5.. .h.q,'....N.]
[K..b...= K.....8]
[q .....8R<.5....]
Certificate signature (256 bytes):
67 f6 12 25 3f d4 d2 dd 6a f7 3e 55 b8 9f 33 53
20 4d d1 17 54 08 8a 70 22 35 92 59 9c 03 9c 0f
ce 46 3c 06 74 d0 a9 8e b1 88 a2 35 b3 eb 1b 00
5c 6d bb 1d b5 ad 17 19 f2 c6 96 87 9b e7 15 01
b2 04 af 7d 92 60 d9 ee ef bc 60 4e 2e af 84 e2
42 fe 07 71 7e fc ee ee f5 d1 6d 71 e7 46 f0 97
e0 e8 b3 0e f9 07 e0 de 6e 36 5a 56 1e 80 10 05
59 d9 88 ba f7 a3 d1 f6 cd 00 12 9f 90 f0 65 83
e9 0f 76 a4 da eb 1b 1b 2d ea bd be a0 8a fb a7
a5 18 ff 9f 5c e9 99 66 f0 d3 90 ae 49 3f c8 cc
32 6b db 64 da fd f5 42 ea bc f3 b0 8a 2f 17 d8
cf c0 d8 d4 3a 41 ae 1d cf 7a c6 a6 a1 65 c2 94
8a ba ea d3 da 3e 8a 44 9b 47 35 10 ab 61 1b 4f
82 dd 59 16 d5 f2 1d f3 c2 08 cc 1c 7f ab be 9c
be 52 73 ea e0 89 d7 6f 4d d0 d8 aa 3d 50 d6 b0
e1 ea 3b 27 50 42 08 d6 71 eb 66 37 b1 f5 f6 5d
[ M..T..p"5.Y....]
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 1 8
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam certificate
Table 17 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 17
show sam certificate detail m em 1 Field Descriptions
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
Serial Number
Subject Name
Issued By
Location of the certificate; one of the following: root, mem, disk0, or disk1.
Index number that the SAM automatically assigns to the certificate.
One of the following: TRUSTED, VALIDATED, EXPIRED, or REVOKED.
Unique serial number of the certificate, assigned by its issuer.
Name of the entity for which the certificate is issued.
Name of the entity that issued the certificate.
The X.509 version of the certificate. The version can be 1 (X.509v1), 2
(X.509v2), or 3 (X.509v3).
Issuing Algorithm
Public Key
Hash and public key algorithm that the issuer uses to sign the certificate.
Subject public key for the certificate.
Certificate signature
Encrypted hash value (or signature) of the certificate. The hash value of the
certificate is encrypted using the private key of the issuer.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
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Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam crl
show sam crl
To display the records in the certificate revocation list (CRL) table, use the show sam crl command in
EXEC mode.
show sam crl {summary | detail crl-index}
Syntax Description
Displays selected attributes for all entries in the table.
Displays all the attributes for the selected table entry (specified by the crl-index
Index number for the entry, in the range from 1 to 65000.
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the show sam crl command when you want to display all the revoked certificates currently stored
on the system. Attributes are CRL index number, issuer, and update information.
To get the CRL index number, use the show sam crl summary command.
The following sample output is from the show sam crl summary command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam crl summary
----------------------- SUMMARY OF CRLs --------------------------
CRL Index
Issuer:CN = Code Sign Server Certificate Manager, OU = Cisco HFR mc , O =
L = San Jose, ST = CA, C = US, EA =<16>
Including updates of:
Sep 09, 2002 03:50:41 GMT
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 0
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam crl
Table 18 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 18
show sam crl sum m ary Field Descriptions
CRL Index
Index number for the entry, in the range from 1 to 65000. The
index is kept in the certificate revocation list table.
Certificate authority (CA) that issued this CRL.
Including updates of
Versions of CRLs from this CA that are included in the CRL
The following sample output is from the show sam crl detail 1 command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam crl detail 1
CRL Index
-------------- CERTIFICATE REVOCATION LIST (CRL) -----------------
Issuer:CN = Code Sign Server Certificate Manager, OU = Cisco HFR mc , O = Cisco,
L = San Jose, ST = CA, C = US, EA =<16>
Including updates of:
Sep 09, 2002 03:50:41 GMT
Revoked certificates include:
Serial #:61:2C:5C:83:00:00:00:00:00:44, revoked on Nov 03, 2002 00:59:02 GMT
Serial #:21:2C:48:83:00:00:00:00:00:59, revoked on Nov 06, 2002 19:32:51 GMT
Table 19 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 19
show sam crl detail Field Descriptions
CRL Index
Index number for the entry, in the range from 1 to 65000. The index is kept
in the certificate revocation list table.
CA that issued this CRL.
Including updates of
Versions of CRLs from this CA that are included in the CRL table.
Revoked certificates
List of certificates that have been revoked, including the certificate serial
number and the date and time the certificate was revoked.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 1
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam log
show sam log
To display the contents of the Software Authentication Manager (SAM) log file, use the show sam log
command in EXEC mode.
show sam log [lines-number]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Number of lines of the SAM log file to display, in the range from 0 to
200, where 0 displays all lines in the log file and 200 displays the most recent 200
lines (or as many lines as there are in the log file if there are fewer than 200 lines).
The show sam log command without a lines-number argument displays all the lines in the log file.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
The SAM log file records changes to the SAM tables, including any expired or revoked certificates, table
digest mismatches, and SAM server restarts.
The following sample output is from the show sam log command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam log
06/16/02 12:03:44 UTC Added certificate in table root/1 CN = Certificate Manage, 0x01
06/16/02 12:03:45 UTC SAM server restarted through router reboot
06/16/02 12:03:47 UTC Added CRL in table CN = Certificate Manage, updated at Nov 10, 2001
04:11:42 GMT
06/16/02 12:03:48 UTC Added certificate in table mem:/1 CN = Certificate Manage, 0x1e
06/16/02 12:16:16 UTC SAM server restarted through router reboot
06/16/02 12:25:02 UTC SAM server restarted through router reboot
06/16/02 12:25:04 UTC Added certificate in table mem:/1 CN = Certificate Manage, 0x1e
06/16/02 12:39:30 UTC SAM server restarted through router reboot
06/16/02 12:40:57 UTC Added certificate in table mem/1 CN = Certificate Manage, 0x1e
33 entries shown
Each line of output shows a particular logged event such as a table change, expired or revoked
certificates, table digest mismatches, or SAM server restarts.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 2
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam package
show sam package
To display information about the certificate used to authenticate the software for a particular package
installed on the networking device, use the show sam package command in EXEC mode.
show sam package package-name
Syntax Description
Location of the software package, including the memory device (disk0:, disk1:,
mem:, and so on) and the file system path to the file. Use the show install all
command to display the Install Manager package name and location information.
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the show install all command to display the installed location and name of the software
package—for example, mem:ena-base-0.0.0 or disk1:crypto-exp-lib-0.4.0—and then use the show sam
package command to display information about the certificate used to authenticate that installed
package. The show sam package command displays the same information as the show sam certificate
detail location certificate-index command.
The following sample output is from the show sam package command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam package mem:12k-rp-1.0.0
Certificate Location
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
----------------------- CERTIFICATE ------------------------
Serial Number :01:27:FE:79:00:00:00:00:00:05
Subject Name
cn=Engineer code sign certificate
Issued By
cn=Code Signing Server Certificate Authority,o=Cisco,c=US
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 3
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam package
Validity Start :[UTC] Tue Oct 9 23:14:28 2001
Validity End :[UTC] Wed Apr 9 23:24:28 2002
CRL Distribution Point
Version 3 certificate
Issuing Algorithm:MD5withRSA
Public Key BER (294 bytes):
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01
01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01
00 be 75 eb 9b b3 d9 cb 2e d8 c6 db 68 f3 5a ab
0c 17 d3 84 16 22 d8 18 dc 3b 13 99 23 d8 c6 94
91 15 15 ec 57 ea 68 dc a5 38 68 6a cb 0f 4b c2
43 4b 2d f9 92 94 93 04 df ff ca 0b 35 1d 85 12
99 e9 bd bc e2 98 99 58 fe 6b 45 38 f0 52 b4 cb
a9 47 cd 22 aa ce 70 0e 4c 9b 48 a1 cf 0f 4a db
35 f5 1f 20 b7 68 cb 71 2c 27 01 84 d6 bf 4e d1
ba e1 b2 50 e7 f1 29 3a b4 85 3e ac d7 cb 3f 36
96 65 30 13 27 48 84 f5 fe 88 03 4a d7 05 ed 72
4b aa a5 62 e6 05 ac 3d 20 4b d6 c9 db 92 89 38
b5 14 df 46 a3 8f 6b 05 c3 54 4d a2 83 d4 b7 02
88 2d 58 e7 a4 86 1c 48 77 68 49 66 a1 35 3e c4
71 20 aa 18 9d 9f 1a 38 52 3c e3 35 b2 19 12 ad
99 ad ce 68 8b b0 d0 29 ba 25 fd 1e e0 5d aa 12
9c 44 89 63 89 62 e3 cb f3 5d 5f a3 7c b7 b9 ef
01 89 5b 33 35 a8 81 60 38 61 4e d8 4f 6a 53 70
35 02 03 01 00 01
[5.. .h.q,'....N.]
[K..b...= K.....8]
[q .....8R<.5....]
Certificate signature (256 bytes):
67 f6 12 25 3f d4 d2 dd 6a f7 3e 55 b8 9f 33 53
20 4d d1 17 54 08 8a 70 22 35 92 59 9c 03 9c 0f
ce 46 3c 06 74 d0 a9 8e b1 88 a2 35 b3 eb 1b 00
5c 6d bb 1d b5 ad 17 19 f2 c6 96 87 9b e7 15 01
b2 04 af 7d 92 60 d9 ee ef bc 60 4e 2e af 84 e2
42 fe 07 71 7e fc ee ee f5 d1 6d 71 e7 46 f0 97
e0 e8 b3 0e f9 07 e0 de 6e 36 5a 56 1e 80 10 05
59 d9 88 ba f7 a3 d1 f6 cd 00 12 9f 90 f0 65 83
e9 0f 76 a4 da eb 1b 1b 2d ea bd be a0 8a fb a7
a5 18 ff 9f 5c e9 99 66 f0 d3 90 ae 49 3f c8 cc
32 6b db 64 da fd f5 42 ea bc f3 b0 8a 2f 17 d8
cf c0 d8 d4 3a 41 ae 1d cf 7a c6 a6 a1 65 c2 94
8a ba ea d3 da 3e 8a 44 9b 47 35 10 ab 61 1b 4f
82 dd 59 16 d5 f2 1d f3 c2 08 cc 1c 7f ab be 9c
be 52 73 ea e0 89 d7 6f 4d d0 d8 aa 3d 50 d6 b0
[ M..T..p"5.Y....]
Table 20 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 20
show sam package Field Descriptions
Certificate Location
Location of the certificate; one of the following: root, mem,
disk0, or disk1.
Certificate Index
Certificate Flag
Index number that the Software Authentication Manager (SAM)
automatically assigns to the certificate.
One of the following: TRUSTED, VALIDATED, EXPIRED, or
Serial Number
Subject Name
Unique serial number of the certificate, assigned by its issuer.
Name of the entity for which the certificate is issued.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 4
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam package
Table 20
show sam package Field Descriptions (continued)
Issued By
Name of the entity that issued the certificate.
X.509 version of the certificate. The version can be 1 (X.509v1),
2 (X.509v2), or 3 (X.509v3).
Issuing Algorithm
Hash and public key algorithm that the issuer uses to sign the
Public Key
Subject public key for the certificate.
Certificate signature
Encrypted hash value (or signature) of the certificate. The hash
value of the certificate is encrypted using the private key of the
Related Commands
Displays the installed location and name of the software package.
show install all
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 5
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam sysinfo
show sam sysinfo
To display current configuration settings for the Software Authentication Manager (SAM), use the show
sam sysinfo command in EXEC mode.
show sam sysinfo
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Command History
Release 2.0
Release 3.0
Release 3.2
This command was introduced on the Cisco CRS-1.
No modification.
This command was supported on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs. For detailed information about user groups and task IDs, see the Configuring AAA Services on
Cisco IOS XR Software module of the Cisco IOS XR System Security Configuration Guide.
Use the show sam sysinfo command to determine the configuration settings of the SAM.
The display shows the status of the SAM, current prompt interval setting, and current prompt default
The following sample output is from the show sam sysinfo command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show sam sysinfo
Software Authentication Manager System Information
Prompt Interval
: running
: 10 sec
Prompt Default Response : NO
Table 21 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 6
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam sysinfo
Table 21
show sam sysinfo Field Descriptions
One of the following: running or not running.
If the SAM is not running, the System Manager should detect
that state and attempt to restart the SAM. If problems prevent the
System Manager from restarting the SAM after a predefined
number of repeated attempts, the SAM will not be restarted. In
such a case, you should contact Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC) personnel.
Prompt Interval
Current setting for the prompt interval. The interval can be set in
the range from 0 to 300 seconds. The value shown in the sample
output (10 seconds) is the default.
Prompt Default Response
Current setting that specifies the action taken by the SAM if the
prompt interval expires before the user responds to the prompt.
If the user does not respond to the prompt, the SAM waits for the
specified interval to expire and then takes the action specified in
the sam prompt-interval command (either proceed or
Entering the sam prompt-interval command with the proceed
keyword causes the show sam sysinfo command to display
“Yes,” meaning that the default action taken by the SAM is to
wait for the prompt interval to expire and then respond as if it had
received a “yes” from the user.
Entering the sam prompt-interval command with the terminate
keyword causes the show sam sysinfo command to display
“No,” meaning that the default action taken by the SAM is to wait
for the prompt interval to expire and then respond as if it had
received a “no” from the user.
Related Commands
Sets the interval that the SAM waits after prompting the user for input when
it detects an abnormal condition and determines how the SAM responds
when it does not receive user input within the specified interval.
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 7
Software Authentication Manager Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show sam sysinfo
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference
S R-2 2 8
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